Kevin’s Afterglow Story
Two days after the sudden death of Kevin Kuczo, a vigil was held outside the family home. The community wished to lend support and to honor the memory of the 17-year-old high school junior.
The parents, James and Kristen Kuczo, were asked to speak that night. It would be the first of many such talks, where the thoughts and words never got any easier. They addressed the large, hushed crowd with honesty and courage.
“What happened to Kevin was a tragedy. No parent should ever have to go through this. The only bigger tragedy would be if this happened again,” the family said. Then, the Kuczos made a heartfelt appeal to those gathered.
“If you could try to make someone’s life a little better, try to be a little kinder, a little more giving, then you could make all the difference for someone who really needs it.”
The Kuczos didn’t realize it at the time, but their mission of helping others had begun. They started a new movement, rooted in kindness and giving, that would soon influence their community.
Days later, at Kevin’s funeral, this movement received a name. It was inspired by the eulogy from the Reverend Doctor Alida Ward. She used the word “afterglow” to describe Kevin’s positive and lasting impression on others. Soon afterwards, “Kevin’s Afterglow” came to be.
In the months that followed, the Kuczos continued to speak at middle school and high school sporting events, as well as to the local media. They shared their message of kindness and compassion, while raising awareness for the vital issue of mental health.
During the past year, the Kuczos have openly discussed the loss of their son – the emotional toll, the memories and experiences before and after Kevin’s untimely passing. They remember how Kevin’s future plans had included helping others.
“We are in the world’s worst club,” said the father, “And we don’t want this to ever happen to anyone else.”
Each time the Kuczos speak, some good comes of it. Sometimes, they’re approached by someone who lets them know they’ve started a much-needed conversation. On other occasions, a listener comes forward and expresses comfort in learning they’re not alone in the struggles of mental health.
And with each interaction, the positive impact of Kevin’s Afterglow grows brighter, illuminating the strengths of human kindness, respect and compassion.
During his too brief time, Kevin uplifted many lives in Fairfield County. Now, Kevin’s Afterglow will go on to light the way for many others in his memory.